Elevate: AEC Insights | Episode 1

In this episode of Elevate: AEC Insights, we sit down with 3 industry leaders in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction space to learn more about their journey to leadership, their recommended resources for those looking to enter into this industry and take away advice on how to grow in this industry.

Our panel guests include Cynthia Muñoz, Principal and Licensed Architect from Stoecker and Northway Architects, Thuy Fontelera, Founder and Principal of Element Structural Engineers, and Ashley Gidel, President of Gidel & Kocal Construction Company.

Elevate: AEC insights | Episode 1

Cynthia Muñoz, Principal and Licensed Architect from Stoecker and Northway Architects, Thuy Fontelera, Founder and Principal of Element Structural Engineers, and Ashley Gidel, President of Gidel & Kocal Construction Company.